If you are a new student, your Library account will automatically be created for you, along with your IT account. You will not need to join the Library separately.
We also welcome external readers and visitors.
Visitors and members of the public wishing to use the Library will need to apply for access by completing the online application form (go to the Library homepage, then 'Using our Services' then 'joining the Library'.
Staff and students from other Universities may apply to join the Library via the SCONUL Access Scheme, depending upon your student status and institution you will be entitled to various types of membership. Once approved on the SCONUL Access Scheme please note that you will still need to use the online application form to join our Library.
The online registration forms are processed regularly by our team. After the form has been processed, you will be contacted with further details of how to complete the registration process (This usually involves visiting the Information Hub with appropriate ID, depending on your membership type) and obtain a library access card. This card is required to enter the building and will not allow entry into the library between 12 midnight and 8am.
Please note that external membership of the University Library does not provide access to electronic resources, access to the PCs or printing facilities.
As our main function is to support the research, teaching and learning activities of the University and to provide services for University staff and students, the extent to which we can offer services and staff time free of charge is, however, limited.
Membership is at the discretion of the University Librarian and use of the Library is prioritised for our students and staff at busy times.
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University of Leicester Library, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH